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The Impact of Grief and Loss Through the Life Cycle with Cheryl Jones

Karen M. Wyatt

Thursday February 25, 2016

10 am Pacific/2 pm Eastern

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Join Dr. Karen Wyatt and her special guest, Cheryl Jones, who is a grief counselor and cancer educator. Cheryl also hosts the Good Grief Radio Show and will share her own journey of grief since the death of her wife to multiple myeloma, including the impact of grief on her work and personal life as well as the effects of illness and loss in the LGBT community.

In this interview you will learn:

the ongoing effects of grief throughout the stages of life

how grief can be a reference point for a full life

the importance of self-support for grieving well

the biggest impediment to facing up to life's difficulties

Cheryl Jones is the host of the radio show Good Grief. She is also a grief counselor and cancer educator. During her education as a Marriage and Family Therapist, her first wife was diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma, which was at the time a uniformly terminal illness with a six month to one year prognosis. In the eight + years that followed, Cheryl engaged daily in the work of preparing for her death. She received training during this period from Stephen and Ondrea Levine (Who Dies and Grieving Into Life and Death) and Richard Olney (founder of Self-Acceptance Training). After her wife’s death, Cheryl immersed herself in her own multifaceted grief, surprised by frequent moments of joy.

Cheryl is a consultant and group leader at the Free Therapy Program of the Women’s Cancer Resource Center, where she developed, manages and teachies in their Continuing Education program. She has trained extensively with Erving Polster, leader in the field of gestalt therapy and author of Everybody’s Life is worth a Novel. She was Clinical Director at the Alternative Family Project, which served the therapeutic needs of LGBTQ families in San Francisco. She also wrote a column called Motherlines for the San Francisco Bay Times and ran Considering Parenthood groups for the LGBT community.


Cheryl lives with her wife in Oakland, California and especially savors time with her family and friends, including her 3 daughters, her son in law and 2 grandsons.

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